Archive July 2018

Kazakh National Clothes

Great people said: “The most beautiful clothes are national clothes”. On July 10, the children of the School 50 became participants in the “Kazakh National Clothes” familiarization hour.

The best books about the national clothes of Kazakhs “The Kazakh clothes” and others were exhibited at the book exhibition “Kazaktyn dasturli kіim-keshegi”. Children learned about headgear (taqiya, qalpaq, saukele), about outer clothing (kamzol, shalbar, chapan), shoes (boots).

The children were told about the manufacture of clothing, jewelry, the characteristics of Kazakh clothing, what was the difference between the costumes of girls, married women, zhigits, and also about where the national costume is used today.

Interesting science

Thursday is the Day of Book Innovations in the Library. Children of summer camps “Smilik” and school №15 presented the review “Interesting science” of the most modern, popular and interesting books of popular science subjects.

After the review, children independently made an exciting journey into the world of sciences, solved puzzles, passed labyrinths, answered questions.


A beauty city,a dream city, a capital city Astana

This year Kazakhstan celebrates the 20th anniversary of Astana, the capital of our independent state.

On the eve of the national celebration of the jubilee date, the library carried out the entertainment program “A beauty city, a dream city, a capital city – Astana”, active participants of which were pupils of the social assistance department at the house of the Kazybek bi district and the talent center “Nova” headed by A. Berlibekova. Read More

Day of entertaining facts. The power of a magnet.

Every Tuesday for the children the world of amazing and entertaining things is opened.

On July 3, there was an entertaining hour for the school camps school N 11, “Smiley” and the training center “You can” “Merry Science. Experiments with magnets. ” The guys visited the role of scientists and experimenters. Read More

“Conversations with the Tiger”

А good children’s literature is always popular with children and adults alike. Adults even, maybe, a little more to remind them of their childhood and give a very good mood.

Here and on the next loud readings held in the cozy room “Kunshuak” was presented a book by Donald Bisset “Conversations with the Tiger”, an English storyteller … who started writing tales for London television and reading them in children’s programs. It is just from the list of those magic books that are interesting at any age. Read More