“Bilgenge Marzhan”

“Bilgenge Marzhan”

In the library on the 21st of November to promote library and bibliographic knowledge, to instill the ability to search for information in the reference literature, the bibliographic lesson “Bilgenge Marzhan” was conducted for pupils of 7th grade of school – gymnasium named after A. Baitursynov № 41.

During the lesson, the children got acquainted with reference books (different types of encyclopedias, dictionaries), received information from the librarian on how to perform the necessary search in such publications. To consolidate the knowledge gained, the students were offered a bibliographic game “Bilgenge Marzhan”. In this game, the guys, divided into teams “Red” and “Blue”, performed tasks for speed, using 20 editions presented on the book viewing.

At the end of the game the results were summed up, the winning team was selected. The team “Blue” received the status of the Quick team.

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