Merry Science

On July 24, readers of the library saw in the librarian’s face a real wizard. This required only sleight of hand and boundless imagination. Everything else was done by science.

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There was a fairy tale …

Every child loves to dream, fantasize, play, create, travel. Yes – yes it is to travel, especially on the pages of your favorite books.

The informative and playful kaleidoscope “There was a fairy tale …” was held for pupils of the children’s center “Hogwarts” and young residents of our city on the summer playground in front of the library. Read More

Merry science. Experiments with soda

Our readers are very inquisitive. All and in time they need to know. On July 17, the library hall turned into a small laboratory with smart and young researchers. The children of the kindergarten “Gvozdichka” took part in the scientific experiments using soda. Read More

Алқоңыр дүние

11 июля в библиотеке прошел литературный вечер, посвященный творчеству поэта Тыныштыкбека Абдикакимова, имеющего особенный стиль в казахской поэзии. Мероприятие было организовано в поддержку поэта, выдвинутого на соискание Государственной премии. Модератором выступил поэт Жалел Шалкар. Read More

Будущее и латинский алфавит

В рамках утвержденных мероприятий по пропаганде перевода казахского языка на латинскую графику 11 июля библиотека совместно с учащимися 2-3 классов СОШ №44 проводила презентационный час «Будущее и латинский алфавит».

Дети,используя брендбук, разработанный для популяризации буквы Qлатинского алфавита в Карагандинской области, научились писать латинскими буквами «Қарағанды, оқы» и другие слова и выражения.

Kazakh National Clothes

Great people said: “The most beautiful clothes are national clothes”. On July 10, the children of the School 50 became participants in the “Kazakh National Clothes” familiarization hour.

The best books about the national clothes of Kazakhs “The Kazakh clothes” and others were exhibited at the book exhibition “Kazaktyn dasturli kіim-keshegi”. Children learned about headgear (taqiya, qalpaq, saukele), about outer clothing (kamzol, shalbar, chapan), shoes (boots).

The children were told about the manufacture of clothing, jewelry, the characteristics of Kazakh clothing, what was the difference between the costumes of girls, married women, zhigits, and also about where the national costume is used today.

Interesting science

Thursday is the Day of Book Innovations in the Library. Children of summer camps “Smilik” and school №15 presented the review “Interesting science” of the most modern, popular and interesting books of popular science subjects.

After the review, children independently made an exciting journey into the world of sciences, solved puzzles, passed labyrinths, answered questions.