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Advice 1. How to have fun with quarantined kids?

Boredom? And we will color the boring everyday life!

Today the world is replete with not the best news feeds, anxiety and excitement more and more surrounds not only adults, but also children. How to cope with this condition yourself and help your child? The best way to take care of children is to be happy by playing with them. And playing with children, open, fun and easy, always cheers up and gives the opportunity to be in the moment here and now. I am sharing with you the simplest games that can be suitable for children of all ages and you can adjust their complexity yourself.

Plan your time and change games. Be mobile and then calm, for example, outdoor play and drawing, and then vice versa. It is important that you yourself radiate calmness and confidence, then it will be easy for children to transfer the time of quarantine.

Let’s color …

Bright large coloring pages – sheets can be printed on a regular printer by gluing them together on the back. And photographs against such a background are very original!


Use fun dynamic music, and repeat your child’s movements, even if at first glance, this idea may not seem very suitable to you. Try to think of your movements with different parts of the body, with different speed, volume of movement and trajectory.

Or you may even like karaoke. Favorite songs can be found with words on the Internet, he will help us, and at the same time develop memory, a sense of rhythm and plasticity of movements.

 Find the words in the room that have a letter….

Any letter is named, and the child and parent take turns calling words that contain the named letter.


Who will push the balloon further, who will not let it fall to the floor longer.


The driver’s hand is placed with the unfolded palm down. Participants place their index finger under their palm. The task of the driver, together with the last words “RETRACT” the player’s finger, if the player is caught, he becomes the driver.

Greek rode across the river,

He sees a cancer in the river.

He put his hand in the river,

Cancer by the hand – DAC.

Pasta beads.

Bright pasta appears when painted with regular watercolor. But how much joy it brings to the child!

Napkin applique

Any image is outlined inside and around the perimeter with glue-pencil and filled with pieces of torn off bright, crumpled napkins (they can be painted with the same watercolor, spreading them in a saucer, wetting and drying napkins of different colors). It turns out very unusual and textured!

Advice 3. Book vitamins for caring parents.

As a rule, adolescence is the age when children are more independent, but still need direction, support from parents, when the skill of self-control is still being formed. This is the most striking developmental crisis possible in developmental psychology. Therefore, it is so important for parents to maintain good relations with children, and to understand what is happening with children.

To help parents, I propose to get acquainted with a list of books:

Школьникам об Абае

21 января библиотекарь читального зала Зейкенова Жибек приняла участие в круглом столе «Абай – дара, Абай – дана қазақта», посвященном 175-летию казахского просветителя и поэта Абая Кунанбаева. Круглый стол состоялся на базе гимназии №93 для учащихся 7-х классов. Read More

Olen sozdin zergeri – Qadyr aqyn

In the framework of the republican decade “Qazaqtyn Qadyry ” dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the member of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize of Kazakhstan, poet Kadyr Myrza Ali, the poetry evening “Olen sozdin zergeri-Qadyr aqyn” was held in the library with the students of 2-4 classes of secondary school №17, №6 and gymnasium №92 of Karaganda.

The purpose of the event is to introduce young Karaganda residents to life and work. Read More

Презентация мультимедийной выставки-инсталляции «Абай мұрасы – мәңгілік мирас»

13 января 2020 года в 12.00 часов в Карагандинской областной детской библиотеке имени Абая состоялась презентация мультимедийной выставки-инсталляции «Абай мұрасы – мәңгілік мирас», посвященной 175-летию со дня рождения поэта, композитора, мыслителя Абая Кунанбаева.

2020 год стал годом 175-й годовщины со дня рождения казахского просветителя Абая Кунанбаева. Культурная значимость творчества Абая неоценима. Read More

Benefit show “Formula for success.” Dialogue with Ernur Ismagambetov

The television project “Formula for Success” is included in the national list of activities of the “Rukhani Zhangyru” program. On May 6, 2019, the filming of the program of the same name on Saryarqa TV channel took place, and the program was aired on June 7.

The deputy chairman of the administration of the Astana International Financial Center Administration JSC, the repeated winner of the World Physics Olympiads, the winner of the 100 New Persons of Kazakhstan project Ernur Rysmagambetov and the children of city schools and lyceums met at the dialogue platform.

“What is the success formula for Ernur?” – this was a conversation between the guys and the Hero of the program.

Since childhood, Ernur was a very inquisitive child, always striving to be the best, overcame the difficulties and decidedly bring everything to the end. At school, he was an Olympian in physics, participated in international competitions and for a long time was the most titled physicist in the country – one gold, one silver medal.

Over time, the Honorary Guest passion for physics has grown into a passion for finance. “Finance is also a system, it is very dynamic and rapidly developing,” explains his interest in finances Ernur Rysmagambetov. After studying for 3 years at the California University of Technology, at one of the strongest universities in the world, at the Faculty of Physics, he nevertheless opts for economics. As an economist, he worked as a financial analyst at Wilshire Associates in California.

Ernur Rysmagambetov told the children that the created Financial Center sets as one of its goals – helping young financiers to acquire new skills and information in a modern, developing economy.

“This is a great advantage of Kazakhstan, especially in the study of complex new tools. And we, as a Bureau, want to help professionals have “healthy brains.” A special place in our activity is promotion of investment literacy. To this end, we hold thematic events. ”

To the question “What needs to be developed additionally in order to be in demand tomorrow?” The guest answered: “Mobility of thinking. Many people now simply will not keep pace with the changes, so the ability to learn new technologies, constantly updated – will be the most important skill. ”

Many questions about the activities of the International Financial Center, childhood and adolescence, and life values were raised from the children. The dialogue turned out to be lively, interesting, informative. At the request of the participants in the dialogue platform, Ernur played the dombra, and later two guys received gifts from him for interesting questions.

In turn, the project organizers of the Department of Culture, Archives and Documentation of the Karaganda Region and the Karaganda Regional Children’s Library named after Abai thanked Ernur for meeting with the children and presented him with the statuette “Success Formula” – a symbol of success and recognition, as well as the book of Abai “Words of Edification”.

Лесные сказки

Литературная прогулка «Лесные сказки» по книгам детского писателя, сказочника, натуралиста Николая Сладкова проведена для воспитанников детского дома «Қүлыншақ», она была приурочена 100 – летию писателя.

Вниманию детей была предложена слайдовая презентация, которая познакомила их с творчеством писателя. Участники проводимого мероприятия отгадывали загадки, слушали аудио сказки «Всему свое время», «Сказки на ночь», и принимали активное участие в литературных викторинах по произведениям Н. Сладкова.


Экскурсия по библиотеке

Во время зимних школьных каникул ребята с педагогами, родителями, друзьями активно посещают нашу библиотеку. Живая атмосфера, доброжелательность, интеллектуальное «пространство» привлекает все больше новых читателей. Read More

Ты наш первый читатель

Каждый год после новогодних праздников библиотека проводит акцию «Ты – наш первый читатель». Самые первые читатели получают памятную медаль и небольшой подарок. Read More