“The city in which you live”

“The city in which you live”

The intellectual local history quiz “The city in which you live” dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Karaganda was held with students 4 “A” of school №48.

With the help of the slide presentation “Favorite City”, the children made a mini trip to the historical past, the present and the future of our city and then answered the quiz questions.

They were offered five themes: history; their names are streets; cultural life; favorite city; geography in each of which, five questions of varying degrees of complexity from 10 to 50 points.

This quiz plays a big role in fostering patriotism and inculcating love for a small country, the place where you were born and raised.
At the end of the event, the children were offered materials from the book exhibition “Mereyli mekenimіz – Karaganda”, which was decorated in the exhibition hall of the preschool and junior school children service department.

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