80 years of the fairy tale by Alexander Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City"


Volkov Alexander Melentevich (1891-1977) - Russian Soviet writer, playwright, translator, teacher. Best known as the author of the cycle of books "The Wizard of the Emerald City."

The fairy tale The Wizard of the Emerald City ”by Alexander Melentevich Volkov, written in 1939 based on the tale by the American writer Leimen Frank Baum“ The Amazing Wizard of Oz ”with some modifications. In 1959 a new edition of the book was published, significantly revised by the author. For the first time, illustrations by artist L. V. Vladimirsky appeared in this edition. Subsequently, the book was reworked again.

The manuscript of the finished fairy tale was approved by S.Ya. Marshak. In 1939, the story The Wizard of the Emerald City gained the status of an independent work, it was translated into 13 languages ​​and withstood 46 reprints.

Films and performances - “The Wizard of the Emerald City” (puppet show, 1968), “The Wizard of the Emerald City” (multi-part cartoon, 1973), “The Wizard of the Emerald City” (feature film, 1994), “Adventures in the Emerald City” (multi-part cartoon, 1999-2000, Russia)