Book exhibition “Darkan daryn”

Book exhibition “Darkan daryn”

This year the famous Kazakh prose writer, poet and playwright, our fellow countryman, holder of the “Kurmet” order Sofa Smataev celebrates his 80th birthday. For this significant event in the reading room of the library, a book exhibition-portrait “Darkan Daryn” was arranged.

Sofa Smataev is the author of the collection of poems “Astana Ottary”, the play “Tagdyrlar “, “Sen kimsin?”, “Zhuldyzym menin zhogary”, translated the works of V. Shakespeare, V. Korolenko, V. Ivanov, V. Soloukhin and other writers into Kazakh language.

S. Smataev considers the novel-trilogy “Elim-ai” to be the main book of his life. His work is characterized by a generous love of life, a fiery, pure and touching indifference to the fate of his land. 24 editions are offered to the reader’s attention.

The exhibition runs from June 16 to July 16.

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