Challenge «Every song is the whole world»

Kazakh literature is unique. The names of great writers and poets remain in the memory of the people as an eternal immortal heritage.
One of them famous, bright and unique creators is the “Poet of the Century”, who this year marks his 90th birthday – Mukagali Makatayev.
Many of his poems are set to music, and his translations of works by Shakespeare, Dante, Pushkin and Blok entered the Golden Fund of Literature.
Mukagali’s creative heritage is full of lyrics. He is a poet who wrote about the national spirit, about the human soul, about the difficulties of society, left a rich treasure that will never fade away, will not be forgotten.
On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the poet’s birth on the library pages of the social networks Instagram, VKontakte, Facebook, the challenge “Every song is the whole world ” was held.
From 9 to 12 February, poems by Mukagali Makatayev were performed by young authors of the literary club “Qauyrsyn qalam “, library readers and subscribers (19 people). The following works were performed: “Omir sureyik almasyp”, “3 bakytym”, “Cheese”, “Men taulyqpyn”, “The homeland”, “Ask me”, “Magan qurbym kektenbe” and others.

“About the Big and the Small”

On the 115th anniversary of the children’s poetess, writer Agnia Barto, on February 12, a live broadcast “About the Big and the Small” took place with the Children’s Library № 178 – A.L. Barto, State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the city of Moscow, Central Bank System of the South-Western Administrative District.
The broadcast moderator is Elena Kuchaeva, head of the library department.
During the broadcast, there was a dialogue about the life and work of Agnia Lvovna Barto, about the participation of children of Karaganda and the Karaganda region in the online Festival of children’s creativity “All children of the same age”, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of Agniya Lvovna Barto. A fragment of a conversation on Mayak radio was heard with Barto’s daughter, Tatyana Andreevna Scheglyaeva, who spoke about what formed the basis for the creation of the radio program “Find a Man” on Mayak, which Agniya Lvovna had been conducting for 9 years:
Marina Novitskaya, methodologist of Children’s Library № 178 – A. L. Barto Cultural Center conducted an online excursion “Legend of the Time” for the participants of the live broadcast, around the museum of the children’s writer and poetess, this museum can be classified as a memorial one, because the exhibits were transferred to it by the daughter Agniya Lvovna.
Among the exhibits of the museum is the ALBUM donated by schoolchildren of Karaganda in 1964 during a memorable meeting with her within the walls of our library, Agniya Barto was one of the participants in the Decade of Russian Art and Literature in Kazakhstan.
Children and adults who took part in the live broadcast were delighted with what they saw, discovered many interesting facts and moments from the life and work of Agniya Lvovna.
One of the remarkable moments of the broadcast was the performance of the Festival participants from our library – they recited poems: Erika Trofimenko, a student of Gymnasium № 1, the poem “In the Theater”, and Serik Kasymkulov, a student of School- Gymnasium №120 , read the poem “Drum” in Kazakh.
At the end, a book from the series ” The world of children’s literature” was shown, the works of K. Chukovsky and A. Barto translated into Kazakh, which it was decided to present to our counterpart to replenish the fund of Agniya Barto’s works in the languages of the people of the world.
A book exhibition entitled “All children of the same age” was arranged for readers – works by Agniya Barto of different years of publication from the library fund.


Intellectual test drive «Terrorism, or anyone can get suffer»

Extremism and terrorism in any form of their manifestations have become one of the most dangerous problems of our time, and represent a real threat to the national security of the country.
Every citizen needs to have anti-terrorist knowledge. On February 10th, in order to increase this knowledge, the library held an intellectual test drive «Terrorism, or anyone can suffer» among the subscribers of social networks VKontakte and Facebook.
Our goal is to increase the competence of the population in situations where there is any terrorist threat. You can go to the test drive at the link

Intellectual test drive «Terrorism, or anyone can get suffer»

Extremism and terrorism in any form of their manifestations have become one of the most dangerous problems of our time, and represent a real threat to the national security of the country.
Every citizen needs to have anti-terrorist knowledge. On February 10th, in order to increase this knowledge, the library held an intellectual test drive «Terrorism, or anyone can suffer» among the subscribers of social networks VKontakte and Facebook.
Our goal is to increase the competence of the population in situations where there is any terrorist threat. You can go to the test drive at the link

Art workshop “Free Style”

      On February 7, our craftswomen, Yerden Aisha and Asylym, Anafia Nurshuaq took part in the next creative lesson of the Free Style art workshop in national embroidery – keste.
Embroidery classes develop the child, his aesthetic taste, imagination, creative thinking, allow him to touch the origins of the culture of his people.
The girls learned to embroider with a new style “Tandai tigis”.


Live broadcast with Adelina Mukhamedzhanova

       On February 3, a live broadcast took place on Instagram with the participation of an aspiring singer, laureate of many international music competitions, Adelina Mukhamedzhanova.

      The young vocalist has visited many countries of the world, won the Audience Award at the Children’s Eurovision Academy project, which Adelina herself considers a very important achievement for herself.

     At the end of 2020, during the awards ceremony for the winners of the “Person of the Year” nomination, Adelina was among the owners of the “Altyn Adam” statuette and the “Choice of the Year” medal.

     The girl began to study music early. As her professional growth, her musical preferences changed. Currently, Adelina is engaged in academic vocals.

      But the girl manages to devote time to her other interests, among which there is reading. During the broadcast, Adeline admitted that she is fond of science fiction and reads books about the adventures of Percy Jackson Rick Riordan with pleasure.

       The broadcast ended with a musical surprise – a young talented singer performed a short excerpt from one of her favorite songs.


“Let’s speak Kazakh!”

      On January 28, another training lesson took place within the framework of the circle “Let’s speak Kazakh!” on the topic “Tutorials”.

       Student of  1 “A” class Roman Lipatov @ krg_sch83, student of  1 “B” class , school №63 Daniil Abiev @ sch63_krg, student of 1 “A” class Sofia Amangeldina, students of 2 “A” class Komendantenko Alexey and Ksyusha @ gimnaziia1karaganda, studied new words, guessed the crossword puzzle and played the game “Name Five Words”.

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Library without borders

         It is always interesting to get acquainted with the library, librarians are happy to tell their potential readers about library activities during the first meeting.
On January 27, for the first time, children came to us, students of the 5th grade, a specialized boarding school named after Zhambyl.
During the excursion “Library without Borders” the children got acquainted with the history of the library, learned about the possibilities and services of the library, visited its departments, remembered the rules of conduct and rules for handling books.
The librarian introduced the children to the term “book exhibition”, explaining that with the help of book exhibitions the diversity of the library’s book fund is revealed. A book review of the exhibition “Zhyl alyby – Zhambyl” dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of the famous Kazakh poet was held for the children in the reading room.
Schoolchildren not only got acquainted with the riches of the book and magazine fund, but also received invitations to library events, clubs and circles.
Having made a trip through the library rooms, the guys expressed a desire to enroll in the library and be good and accurate readers.


About the President’s Message

       On January 27, on the library pages of social networks Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte, an inform-revue “The message is the path of development” was presented to subscribers in order to familiarize themselves with the main provisions of the strategic course of development and the main achievements of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Experience «Colorful Flame»

On January 24, within the framework of the library laboratory “Funny Science”, the experiment “Multi-colored flame” was carried out. A presentation on the flame and its properties was presented to the children. How it is possible to make a multi-colored flame, with the help of what chemicals, all this was seen by the guys at a practical lesson. The experiment was safe under the guidance of a librarian.

After the lesson, the children got acquainted with books and magazines on the topic «Amazing Experiments and Experiments».
