“Fairy tales from around the world”

“Fairy tales from around the world”

Every Sunday of the month, during the year the library will conduct “Loud Readings” for small users and not only.

Reading aloud is a popular form that attracts listeners with a special atmosphere of coziness in the “reading room”, the participation of children and parents not only in the event, but also attracting them to reading and library.

On the 11th of February , a loud reading session lasted about an hour, for which “Fairy tales of the town of Zhur-Zhur” by George Ball were chosen. Everyone liked a good, bright book, consisting of small, understandable and fascinating fairy tales, for children of three to four years.

Reading aloud returned the adults to the half-forgotten sensations of early childhood, when mothers read a fairy tale to them, and the children were given the joy of meeting new heroes and their adventures.

It’s good to notice that our regular readers came to the event, which they brought with them

The purpose of loud reading is to teach to listen actively to hear and understand what has been read, or to teach to read-think, read-feel, read-live.

The main task of loud reading is “to reveal the world of verbal art before the child” (LS Vygotsky). It means – to introduce the child to the existence of verbal art as an integral part of everyone’s life, to teach them to constantly communicate with such an art, to develop a sense of the word, to provoke interest, love and craving for the book.

Educating a thoughtful, sensitive reader is a lengthy and complex process, parents, educators, teachers, librarians, writers and the media participate in it. It consists of a number of stages, and loud reading is one of them.


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