President’s Address is the support of education

President’s Address is the support of education

The introductory hour ” President’s Address is the support of education” was held on the 4th of February in order to promote the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan.

It was attended by children undergoing treatment in the Karaganda regional anti-tuberculosis sanatorium “Bayterek”.

The children were explained in an accessible way 10 tasks to ensure Kazakhstan’s reliable entry into the list of 30 leading developed countries reflected in the President’s Address “New Opportunities for Development in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, it was stressed that we need to mobilize for implementation.

During the event, the children were shown a presentation “Address is the property of all Kazakhstans”, as well as it was a review at the book exhibition “Address is a new Development Opportunities”, where book and newspaper materials “Kazakhstan 2050”, “Kazakhstan Development Strategy” “Mangilik El” were presented , selected in accordance with the objectives of the Address.

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