Relaxing with a book

Relaxing with a book

Dear readers! We are glad to inform you that the library’s collection continues to receive new books. Book exhibition “Book. Time. We” will introduce you to the new literature received.
Our readers, among whom there are many fantasy lovers, were looking forward to the arrival of books by Lee Bardugo, Shannon Messenger, Sebastian de Castel, Anna James. They have waited!
Fans of detective stories will be interested in new issues dedicated to the adventures of Agatha Mystery and the Hardy brothers. Connoisseurs of classics, including the classic horror novel, will appreciate the legendary book about Frankenstein by M. Shelley or the atmospheric prose of the Japanese classic R. Akutagawa. Many wonderful translations of world classics into Kazakh are published annually in the publishing house “Qasym baspa uyi”.
In a word, dear readers, you definitely need to visit the library during the winter holidays. You will find a lot of interesting things at our exhibitions!

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WhatsApp Image 2022-01-05 at 15.49.20
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WhatsApp Image 2022-01-05 at 15.49.23
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