The book does not say goodbye to you. Closing of the Children’s Book Week.

The book does not say goodbye to you. Closing of the Children’s Book Week.

On March 30th , the library hosted the closing ceremony of the annual library holiday “Children’s Book Week”.
This year, the Week was marked by such significant events as the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Year of Support for Children and Youth Reading in Kazakhstan.
Traditionally, the best readers of the library are encouraged on closing day. The following nominations were awarded:
“The very first reader” – Leonkova Alina, “Gymnasium №93”, 3 “B” class.
“The smallest reader” – Kan Alina, 3 years old.
“Record-holder of reading” – Nikolay Bulygin, “Lyceum №2”, 8 “B” class; Temirgaliev Arman, school №82, 3 “B” class.
“Young detective” – Danil Yushkov, “School № 59”, 7 “А” class.
“Fantasy lover” – Rufatqyzy Zeynep, secondary school named after Mailykozha (Shymkent), grade 9.
“Eternal classics” – Tagat Nursultan, Regional specialized boarding school “Daryn”, 9 “A” class.
“The Most Loyal Reader” – Adiya Kadirova, Karaganda Humanitarian College, 1st course.
“Friend of the library” – Nurikbaev Nurken, “School-gymnasium №41 named after A. Baitursynov”, 11 “A” class; Abiev Daniil, “Secondary School № 63”, 1 “B” class.
“The most reading family” is the Eginbayev family: dad Erlan, mom Shyryn, son Yeraly and daughters Kоrkem and Yerkem.
Famous writers, journalists, university professors, blogger and aytisker were invited to award the nominees. At the end of the event, a musical surprise awaited the guests of the ceremony.

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