To the 90th anniversary of Sherkhan Murtaza

To the 90th anniversary of Sherkhan Murtaza

This year marks the 90th anniversary of Sherkhan Murtaza, an outstanding figure, an amazing writer who brought up more than one generation of journalists in Kazakhstan.
For a rich work activity and great achievements in the literary field, an outstanding Kazakhstani was awarded many honorary titles and awards. He started creating as a student. The first were translations into Kazakh: books for children by K. Mustai “The Joy of Our Home”, Hungarian folk tales, the fairy tale “Old Man Hottabych” by L. Lagin, fairy stories by H.K. Andersen, works by Ch. Aitmatov. The author wrote novels, poems, stories, novels, plays.
We invite readers to get acquainted with the book exhibition “Kemel oily, zerdeli zhazushi”, which presents not only his works, but also periodicals about the life and work of the writer.

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