Mar 28, 2021 “Around the World with a Newspaper and Magazine” By odb-abai inNews On March 28, an online dialogue took place – communication with the writer, journalist, editor of the department of the Republican newspaper “Friendly guys” Olga Nikolaevna Gumirova as part of the “Children’s Book Week” and “Year of Children and Youth Reading in Kazakhstan”. Olga Gumirova is children’s writer, journalist, photographer, amateur archaeologist, mountain hiker and climber. She is the author of two dozen books and fairy tales for children – “Fairy Tales from Pocket”, “Magic Journey through the Country of Kazakhstan”, “Magic Digger Wand”, “Magic Starlet”, “Magic Theater” and “Magic Round Dance”, “History 12 commandments “… Olga Nikolaevna is a co-author of a series of five books “The Kingdom of Three Languages”, as well as books on financial literacy for children. As a photographer and artist, she takes part in the preparation of books by Kazakhstani archaeologists about petroglyphs. In a pleasant private conversation, Olga Gumirova told about the history of the newspaper’s creation, about famous people who at one time were juniors of the newspaper, about how she came to the “Friendly guys”, about how it turns out to make the newspaper so interesting and, of course, about her literary creativity.