Book exhibition «Rukhani zhangyru – ult zhangyruy».

Book exhibition «Rukhani zhangyru – ult zhangyruy».

In order to promote the program «Rukhani zhangyru» in the library named after Abai, there is a book and information exhibition «Rukhani zhangyru – ult zhangyruy».
The exhibition presents scientific monographs, encyclopedias, illustrated albums, publications from periodicals, which are designed to help readers comprehend the significance of the adopted program.
Within the framework of the program, Kazakh publishing houses with the participation of the National Translation Bureau published textbooks in the direction «New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language». These textbooks are available to readers of our library.
In addition, under the sign of «Rukhani Zhangyru» books are published aimed at popularizing the cultural values ​​of Kazakhstan, places of interest and objects, revealing the tourism potential of individual regions and fostering patriotic feelings for the small motherland.
Among the exhibited editions, we recommend to pay attention to the following editions.
The scientific catalog «Historical and cultural heritage of Saryarka» acquaints readers with museum artifacts, objects of arts and crafts, collected on the territory of the Karaganda region for several years.
Collection «Museum and History», which tells about the history of the formation of the museum, the development of museum funds, bright personalities who connected their fate with the museum.
The colorful large-format art photo album «Tugan zher – tugyryn» reveals the most attractive places in the country, from ancient sacred monuments to modern architectural structures of the capital.
The book exhibition runs until the end of the year. As new editions become available, its content is updated. The library invites everyone to get acquainted with the exhibited publications.

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