Feb 24, 2022 The cinema hall “Kaz dauysty Kazybek bi” By odb-abai inNews On February 22, the library organized for students in grades 7-10 of secondary school 17 and school-lyceum 76 named after Alikhan Bokeykhan the cinema hall “Kaz dauysty Kazybek bi”, dedicated to the orator, public figure Kazybek Keldibekuly. The partners of the event were the employees of the cinema “Saryzhailau”, who kindly provided for viewing the documentary film “Kaz dauysty Kazybek bi”, shot by the film studio “Kazakhfilm” named after Sh. Aimanov. The authors of the tape were playwright and director Gaziz Nasyrov and screenwriter Yerlan Toleutai. Before the show, the children were introduced to a book exhibition-personal about the life of Kazybek bi. Our partners presented the library with a photo book “Gasyrlar danalygy babalar murasynda” and a CD with a documentary. We thank the staff of the cinema “Saryzhailau” for the joint educational event about our famous fellow countryman.