Category Без рубрики

День открытых дверей

5 сентября в библиотеке состоялся День открытых дверей, посвященный Дню языков народа Казахстана. Библиотека пригласила на познавательную программу детей специализированной школы-лицея-интерната информационных технологий, СОШ №13, 22, 25, 33, 60; СОШ №35 им.Ю.Н.Павлова, СОШЛ №53, более 100 человек. Read More

Учительская династия Искаковых

Учительская династия – это особый образ жизни. Залогом творческих успехов таких педагогов становится верность призванию, любовь к профессии, к детям и умение эту любовь передать по наследству.

4 сентября для учащихся СОШ №13 и СОШ №74 библиотекари организовали встречу с династией педагогов, семьей Искаковых, в рамках библиотечного профориентационного цикла «Каждая профессия важна». Read More


С целью ознакомления с интересами читателей на абонементе отдела обслуживания детей среднего и старшего школьного возраста (10-15 лет) в библиотеке оформлена выставка-опрос «Книга и молодежь: встречное движение», на которой представлены книги, наиболее спрашиваемые читателями и не входящие в школьную программу. Read More

On Sundays, the library staff spend in the summer period “Family Days”.

Spending your free time with your family in a library in a cozy atmosphere with wonderful books – isn’t that the best of all? Our readers and their parents always have this opportunity. On Sundays, the library staff spend in the summer period “Family Days”.

Children come to the library together with their parents and grandmothers, thereby reviving the tradition of family reading. Such joint “trips” to the library become a holiday for the family, help parents and children better understand each other, make a step towards spiritual closeness and mutual understanding. In addition to the joint selection of books, children and parents can play board games, look through children’s magazines, enjoy participating in contests and literary games “Remember the Hero”, “Continue the Tale”, “Crocodile”.

The participants of our family entertainment were: the Kubenov family, Gandzhuk, Kuchma, Mihavkiv. Children, along with their parents and grandmothers, discovered original editions of popular children’s books (3D books, panorama books), played board games, created drawings.

On July 5, a program was broadcast with the participation of businessman, founder and founder, as well as a member of the board of directors of NPO Defectoscopy, Upabekov Adil Esenovich.

The filming of the “Formula for Success” program on the Saryarqa channel continues as part of the library project of the same name with the participation of our readers and honored guests, our countrymen.


The guest of the program told the children that NPO Defectoscopy was founded in 2009 and occupies one of the leading places in the provision of non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics in the industrial, oil and gas, energy and mining areas. In 2017, she won the “Altyn Sapa” award in the nomination “The best enterprise providing services: a medium-sized business entity”.
Since childhood, Adil was quite enterprising, and later he had the opportunity to open his family business. The first steps were difficult, it was necessary to take risks, especially since in Kazakhstan this niche of activity was empty, everything had to be organized from scratch, using the experience of other countries. Now the company is working closely with the faculties of Karaganda State Technical University, looking for talented and interested youth, attracting to the development of new technological processes. Read More