Apr 15, 2022 Cognitive experience “Fire inscription” By odb-abai inNews Within the framework of the library laboratory “Funny Science”, the “Fiery inscription” experiment was conducted for readers, under the supervision of a librarian in compliance with safety rules. This event aroused great interest among the children. Why is the inscription written with fire? – such a question made the participants think. Readers got acquainted with a chemical element called potassium nitrate (KNO3). A concentrated solution of potassium nitrate was prepared in a certain amount. On a piece of paper, the experimenters soaked the contour drawing with a solution of potassium nitrate. By lighting the contours on the dried sheet with a match, we got a fiery inscription, thus creating a spectacular experience. The creation of experience and observation of the processes of the experiment, capable of explaining the phenomena encountered in everyday life, appealed to readers.