Feb 28, 2021 An hour of fairy tales and stories By odb-abai inNews Every month, on the second and fourth Sunday in the library, traditional loud readings are held, for little users and not only … Reading aloud is a popular form that attracts listeners with a special atmosphere of comfort in the “reading room”, with the participation of children and parents not only in the event, but in attracting them to reading and the library. Another hour of fairy tales and stories “Chitalochka” took place on 28th of February. Children and adults got acquainted with the work of the children’s writer Boris Zakhoder. They listened with pleasure to the kind, instructive fairy tale “Rusachok”.
Feb 28, 2021 Yurt By odb-abai inNews In order to revive national values among young residents of the city of Karaganda, the library continues to conduct cycles of master classes on assembling the dwelling of steppe dwellers – YURTA, which is popular not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad. The yurt is one of the centuries-old relics of the Kazakh people, the form and essence, which has been preserved to this day. The whole life of Kazakhs was connected with the yurt. Shanyrak was a family heirloom, passed down from generation to generation. The round shape and mobility of the yurt reflect both protection from the weather and the economic way of life of a nomad. Children, having familiarized themselves with the history of the invention and its main elements, took part with great interest in its assembly with the help of the ethno-constructor “Yurt”, made from ecologically pure raw materials.
Feb 28, 2021 “A Thousand Thanks” By odb-abai inNews On the eve of the “Day of Gratitude”, the staff of the Karaganda Regional Children’s Library named after Abai spent an hour of gratitude “A Thousand Thanks”, in which children and parents took part. They talked about the historical significance of the holiday and the preconditions for its occurrence, that it is a holiday of mercy, friendship and love of all Kazakhstanis to each other. The event ended with the reading of poems about friendship, mercy and words of gratitude to each other.
Feb 23, 2021 Online meeting with Nurdaulet Sagatbek By odb-abai inNews On February 22, a live broadcast took place with a young composer, kuishi, a laureate of republican and international competitions, 13-year-old Sagatbek Nurdaulet. Nurdaulet has a talent for creating musical compositions. The young composer already has 10 compositions for performance on dombra. Nurdaulet, a 7th grade student of the regional special boarding school # 1 for children with visual impairments, he is very interested in the history of the emergence of dombra, the origin of the kyui. He Likes to listen to various legends. During the broadcast, users of the social network Instagram heard from Nurdaulet stories about the history of folk kyuis “Kobik shashkan”, “El aiyrylgan”, “Balbyrauyn”, “Toibastar”, “Aksak ulan”.
Feb 22, 2021 Book exhibition “Great National Guide» By odb-abai inNews On February 22, a book exhibition “Great national Guide” began functioning in the library, revealing the contribution of the First President of the country – Leader of the Nation Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev to the formation of the country’s independence. 2021 is the year of celebration of the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s independence. A lot of trials fell to the lot of the young republic, which Kazakhstan was able to overcome with dignity. In many ways, the success was predetermined by the political will of the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev. In the eyes of the world community, the achievements of Kazakhstan and the activities of N.A. Nazarbayev have become inseparable elements of one whole. A new stage in the history of the country and the golden chapters of the Leader’s biography originate in 1991. Elbasy was at the political helm for 28 years, during which a huge step forward was made. At the exhibition, readers will find books by Elbasy himself in the Kazakh and Russian languages, as well as monographs and colorful albums. In total, 26 copies are presented at the exhibition.
Feb 19, 2021 Master class «Magic Snow» By odb-abai inNews On February 19, within the framework of the library laboratory «Funny Science», a master class «Magic Snow» was held. The guys made snow that does not melt even in the heat. Artificial snow with amazing properties surprised children and adults. The experiment was simple and safe, aimed at developing the children’s skills: to observe, compare, generalize, and draw conclusions. The students were asked to repeat the same experience at home with their parents and friends. Magic snow can be used many times: in a few days, after the moisture has evaporated from it, the snow will turn into powder again. At the end of the master class, a thematic review of books and journals on entertaining chemistry was conducted.
Feb 15, 2021 Coaching center “I am a personality” By odb-abai inNews In February 2020, the Karaganda Regional Children’s Library named after Abai launched a new social project – the coaching center “I am a personality”. During the year, twice a month on Sundays (except for the summer period), the library will host trainings (in Kazakh and Russian) with the participation of invited specialists: coach-trainers and psychologists. Trainings in public speaking will be held with the participation of a recognized coach-trainer B.M. Musabekov, on personal development – with the participation of psychologist N. Yakimenko. Target group – teenagers 12-15 years old. Trainings will be held absolutely free of charge. Due to the strengthening of quarantine measures, no more than 10 people can take part in the group in compliance with sanitary standards. It is planned to conduct 16 trainings per year. Developing leadership skills, speaking in front of a large audience and being heard – this is the task the librarians of the children’s library set for the readers. On February 14, the library hosted the first training “The ABC of Oratory” within the framework of the coaching center “I am a Personality”. The coach was Bakhytkali Musabekov, a public figure, composer and poet. 12 people took part in the training. The meeting of the mentor with the students turned out to be very interesting and rich in practical tasks. The guys learned about different genres of speech and tried to use them on their own. For training B.M. Musabekov did not come empty-handed; the author donated several editions of his works to the library.
Feb 15, 2021 “The Hour of Tales and Stories“ Chitalochka ”for children and not only … By odb-abai inNews On January 14, on the eve of the 115th anniversary of Agnia Barto, the library held traditional loud readings “The Hour of Tales and Stories“ Chitalochka ”for children and not only … The participants were introduced to the interesting facts of the biography of Agniya Lvovna and books of different years of publication from the library fund, presented at the exhibition “All children ‘re the same age”. Children and adults listened to the wonderful poems of Agnia Barto, recited her quatrains from the “Toys” cycle, guessed riddles, and danced around. Loud reading – they reveal to the child the world of verbal art, as an integral part of the life of every person, they teach them to constantly communicate with such art, bring up a sense of the word, arouse interest, love and craving for the book.
Feb 12, 2021 Challenge «Every song is the whole world» By odb-abai inNews Kazakh literature is unique. The names of great writers and poets remain in the memory of the people as an eternal immortal heritage. One of them famous, bright and unique creators is the “Poet of the Century”, who this year marks his 90th birthday – Mukagali Makatayev. Many of his poems are set to music, and his translations of works by Shakespeare, Dante, Pushkin and Blok entered the Golden Fund of Literature. Mukagali’s creative heritage is full of lyrics. He is a poet who wrote about the national spirit, about the human soul, about the difficulties of society, left a rich treasure that will never fade away, will not be forgotten. On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the poet’s birth on the library pages of the social networks Instagram, VKontakte, Facebook, the challenge “Every song is the whole world ” was held. From 9 to 12 February, poems by Mukagali Makatayev were performed by young authors of the literary club “Qauyrsyn qalam “, library readers and subscribers (19 people). The following works were performed: “Omir sureyik almasyp”, “3 bakytym”, “Cheese”, “Men taulyqpyn”, “The homeland”, “Ask me”, “Magan qurbym kektenbe” and others. https://www.instagram.com/p/CLDqwhrhvJH/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLD2rXh8gX/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLELahRBn7B/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLEU3h5BRiu/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLEZcMBBg4j/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLGTnuOBU_D/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLGWbY8Byel/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLGk8GnBgBE/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLGxXuhB4PQ/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLG2Awhav5/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLIxvzBoDG/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLJFH18Bh1M/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLJUF3ghZFg/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLJea3Eh49J/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLJiW8PhDe5/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLLfBKLhBHs/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLLn1yxBAoG/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLL1Bo1hKSv/
Feb 12, 2021 “About the Big and the Small” By odb-abai inNews On the 115th anniversary of the children’s poetess, writer Agnia Barto, on February 12, a live broadcast “About the Big and the Small” took place with the Children’s Library № 178 – A.L. Barto, State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the city of Moscow, Central Bank System of the South-Western Administrative District. The broadcast moderator is Elena Kuchaeva, head of the library department. During the broadcast, there was a dialogue about the life and work of Agnia Lvovna Barto, about the participation of children of Karaganda and the Karaganda region in the online Festival of children’s creativity “All children of the same age”, dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of Agniya Lvovna Barto. A fragment of a conversation on Mayak radio was heard with Barto’s daughter, Tatyana Andreevna Scheglyaeva, who spoke about what formed the basis for the creation of the radio program “Find a Man” on Mayak, which Agniya Lvovna had been conducting for 9 years: Marina Novitskaya, methodologist of Children’s Library № 178 – A. L. Barto Cultural Center conducted an online excursion “Legend of the Time” for the participants of the live broadcast, around the museum of the children’s writer and poetess, this museum can be classified as a memorial one, because the exhibits were transferred to it by the daughter Agniya Lvovna. Among the exhibits of the museum is the ALBUM donated by schoolchildren of Karaganda in 1964 during a memorable meeting with her within the walls of our library, Agniya Barto was one of the participants in the Decade of Russian Art and Literature in Kazakhstan. Children and adults who took part in the live broadcast were delighted with what they saw, discovered many interesting facts and moments from the life and work of Agniya Lvovna. One of the remarkable moments of the broadcast was the performance of the Festival participants from our library – they recited poems: Erika Trofimenko, a student of Gymnasium № 1, the poem “In the Theater”, and Serik Kasymkulov, a student of School- Gymnasium №120 , read the poem “Drum” in Kazakh. At the end, a book from the series ” The world of children’s literature” was shown, the works of K. Chukovsky and A. Barto translated into Kazakh, which it was decided to present to our counterpart to replenish the fund of Agniya Barto’s works in the languages of the people of the world. A book exhibition entitled “All children of the same age” was arranged for readers – works by Agniya Barto of different years of publication from the library fund. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CLMAfbNpiu9/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link