Учимся писать на латыни

В целях изучения казахского алфавита на латинице 25 января для сотрудников Карагандинской областной детской библиотеки им. Абая был проведен тренинг «Учимся писать на латыни». Read More

Семейка слонов

На очередном занятии творческой студии «Шуақ» дети ознакомились сказкой «Слоненок в диких джунглях» и при помощи цветной бумаги и клея была сделана обьемная аппликация «Семейка слонов».

English through the game

Every English learner wants the learning process to be as easy and fun as your favorite game. With the beginning of the new calendar year in the cozy atmosphere of the library, the English through game circle of English resumed its work.

During the course of classes, Malika Boranbayeva, head of the group in the form of a game, she taught children general phrases of colloquial speech, expanded their vocabulary, trained in the writing of familiar concepts.

Youth Union Camp

On January 19-20, the KELESHEK-2019 youth trade union camp for working youth of the Karaganda region was organized at the Kosmonavt recreation center in the city of Temirtau with the goal of developing open minded thinking in young people, susceptibility to innovation, and striving for new knowledge and technologies. Read More